Issue148 - page 289

Investment in Exploration, Production
and Refining in 2013 *
This study analyses the 2013 evolution of global investment in the field of
exploration-production and refining.
- Changes in oil and gas prices
- Exploration Production: a new year of growth
- Main markets in the upstream oil equipment and services sector
- Refining: looking for new equilibriums
The international context is still marked by a number of major upheavals
which are having or which will have an effect on the oil and gas sector. Some of
these upheavals are more or less manageable and can be predicted, while others
bring with them more uncertainty against a background of transition and change.
They include:
- geopolitical events, obviously, with the chronic instability that has been
affecting Africa and the Middle East for at least the last few years,
- the financial world being under the influence of Central Banks policy,
-the international monetary system which has been a prey to what has been
referred to as the currency war since 2010,
-the uncertain economic future facing western countries that are having to
develop new areas of growth,
- climate change from greenhouse gas emissions which was confirmed in the
IPCC’s last report.
- And the energy sector, which – as a result – is having to take another look
at consumer habits and rethink its production methods – something which has
been looked at this year in France as part of the energy transition debate. Energy
revolution be added to this long list this revolution is currently under was as a
result of the development of shale oil and gas.
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